12 Ways to Prevent a Yeast Infection

The majority of the females and some males will suffer from a yeast or fungal infection during their life time. A yeast infection of the vagina referred to as candidiasis is caused due to overgrowth of fungus Candida albicans. According to estimates, around 75% of females will get vaginal candidiasis at least one time during their life time, whereas 40-50% of females will get the infection more than once. Additionally, 5-8% of females will suffer from chronic candidiasis and get 4 or more infections in one year. Furthermore, males may get fungal infection of oral cavity, genitals or other areas of the body.

Know the Causes of Yeast infection

Certain factors and lifestyle habits raise the risk of having a yeast infection including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Certain medicines such as antibiotics, steroids and birth control pills containing high dose of estrogen hormone
  • Diseases that suppress the immune system such as HIV
  • Lack of restful sleep and increased stress, both of which may weaken your immune system
  • Consuming a high sugar diet
  • Using scented feminine sprays, bubble baths and soaps
  • Using IUD or douching
  • Maintaining poor hygiene of vagina
  • Wearing clothes, which keep vaginal area moist and warm such as tight jeans, synthetic underwear, and spandex or pajama bottoms.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections

You can take the following steps to lower the risk of developing yeast infections:

  1. 1 .Wear cotton underwear

  2. Wear underwear of breathable fabrics such as cotton. Clothes which are made of materials such as polyester and nylon, may hold moisture. Candida grows in moist and dark places. According to expert recommendation, females should wear underwear made of cotton as it allows increased flow of air in the genital area and absorbs perspiration and moisture in a better way; thereby, helps them keeping dry. Also your underwear should be changed often so that dampness in the vaginal area can be prevented.

  3. 2. Wear loose clothing

  4. Ensure that your skirts, jeans, yoga pants, underwear, pantyhose, tights, etc. are loose and not too tight. Too snug clothing can increase the temperature of your body and also increase the moisture present around your genitals. This raises your risk of getting a yeast infection.
  5. 3. Avoid douching

  6. Feminine products used for hygiene such as douches may disturb the balance of vaginal bacteria by removing or killing good bacteria from there that’s required to fight infections. Instead, clean only outside area of the vagina using water and gentle soap.
  7. 4. Avoid using feminine products that are scented

  8. These include scented soaps, sprays, pads, tampons and bubble baths. All these can irritate your vaginal area and disturb the natural balance of vaginal bacteria. Instead use gentle cleansers and unscented ingredients. Don’t use fragrant powders and sprays in the vaginal area.
  9. 5. Keep your diabetes in check

  10. How to prevent yeast infection? Keep your blood sugar levels in control as this decrease your risk of getting yeast infection not only in vagina but also on any other place in the body.

  11. 6. Keep yourself clean and dry

  12. Dry yourself using a clean towel immediately after taking a shower or bath. Similarly change your wet swimsuit after swimming or sweaty clothes after work out right away. Yeast has a love for dampness and moisture.

  13. 7. Maintain good hygiene

  14. After using bathroom, make sure to clean from front direction to back so that anal bacterial are prevented from entering the vagina.

  15. 8. Avoid taking very hot baths or using hot tubs

  16. Taking hot baths or soaking in hot tubs may promote heat and dampness in the vaginal area and increase your risk of yeast infection. Hence, avoid soaking in hot tubs and taking very hot baths.

  17. 9. Take antibiotics only when required

  18. Avoid using antibiotics unnecessarily such as for common cold, which is usually viral in nature. Antibiotics may result in disturbing the normal balance of microorganisms present in the vagina, thereby promoting yeast growth.

  19. 10. Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet

  20. Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy and whole grains. You should consume probiotics, which help in restoring the normal balance of bacteria in the body, which helps in preventing yeast infection. Good probiotics sources are organic yogurt that contains live cultures of bacteria and supplements containing bacteria (look for words “acidophilus” or lactobacillus” on the supplement).
  21. 11. Reduce stress levels

  22. According to some studies a link has been found between yeast infections of the vagina and chronic stress. The immunity of your body is lowered by stress; thereby, increasing your risk of getting a yeast infection. Reduce your stress levels and relax by doing meditation, yoga, regular exercise etc. Also getting plenty of sleep and avoiding heavy meals and caffeine at least 2-3 hours before going to bed at night may help in boosting your immune system.
  23. 12. Foods which prevent vaginal yeast infection

How to prevent yeast infection? The following foods help in preventing yeast infections:

  • Papaya: It has been demonstrated that extracts of leaves and seeds of papaya help in the prevention of yeast infections. Additionally, it’s a rich source of vitamin C, which helps in fighting other infections.
  • Coriander: Coriander seeds, obtained from cilantro plant are rich in fiber, iron, copper, magnesium and manganese. Moreover, essential oil of coriander is known to fight fungus, which can help in preventing yeast infection of the vagina. You can swallow a couple of drops of essential oil of coriander or make a seasoning mix of coriander with chili powder, paprika, lemon zest (dried), brown sugar and cayenne.
  • Oregano: Essential oil of oregano is a popular remedy to both treat and prevent bacterial and fungal infections. According to research, oregano helps in fighting multiple kinds of fungi, one of them being Candida albicans, which causes majority of vaginal yeast infections. Put around ten drops of oregano essential oil in a hot bath tub and soak in it.
  • Cheese: Cheese has been found to reduce the risk of yeast infections significantly in females in many studies. You can snack on many types of fermented cheese such as Swiss, cheddar, Gouda and Parmesan.
  • Coconut Oil (Virgin): Virgin coconut oil is prepared from the mature, fresh meat of coconut. It does not go through the chemical process of refining. Hence, its minerals, antioxidants and vitamins are preserved, which are stripped away in coconut oil available conventionally. According to research, coconut oil is very effective in fighting against Candida albicans. 

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