Sleeping on Stomach During Pregnancy

Having a good sleep at night is a fervent wish among pregnant women. During this stage, pregnant women experience utmost discomfort due to hormonal changes in their bodies that result to excessive sweating. Furthermore, physical changes as the baby develops also contribute to discomfort as it makes their hips ache and finding the most comfortable position becomes more of a challenge. In many cases, just as expectant moms find a comfortable position; their babies may start to move inside the womb, which makes the bladder and uterus feel strong pressure. This is why many women look for the best sleeping position. Read on to learn more on sleeping on stomach during pregnancy.

Is Sleeping on Stomach During Pregnancy Safe?

The Answer

Experts state that sleeping on stomach during the early part of the pregnancy, like first to early second trimester, is safe. At this point, your pubic bone cradles and protects your small belly. As your baby develops inside your womb, you will find sleeping in this position more difficult and settle with other sleeping positions using supportive pillows.

Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

Experts recommend sleeping on your side as the best position during pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, it is recommended that pregnant women get accustomed with sleeping on their sides, particularly their left side, to promote high amounts of nutrients for babies. This position improves blood flow, which means better nutrient transport from your blood to your placenta. Kidneys also work more efficiently in flushing waste products from the body in this position. Eliminating fluids means reduces edema or swelling in your extremities like feet, hands and ankles, which are caused by accumulating fluid.

Worst Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

On the other hand, sleeping on your back is regarded as the worst sleeping position for pregnant women. The discomfort is largely due to the heaviness of the uterus resting on top of your spine, back muscles, and major blood vessels. The pressure brought by its weight causes muscle aches, hemorrhoids, and obstructed blood circulation, which inhibits proper nutrient flow to your baby.

Another reason to avoid sleeping on your back is fluctuating blood pressure. An expecting mother may experience sudden blood pressure increase or drop, both causing dizziness. Watch the following video to learn more on this issue:

Pregnancy Tips: How to Sleep While Pregnant—tips on sleeping positions and other relevant tips

Tips for Better Sleep During Pregnancy

As sleeping can be quite an ordeal for pregnant women, they look for numerous tips that can give them a good night sleep. The following tips will be useful in getting the rest that you want at night.

1. Sleeping Pillow

Pillows are used to support the back and belly. Regular pillows can be placed in these areas and will tuck you in while sleeping. Placing a pillow in between your legs will make them comfortable while extending benefits for your lower back. Special pregnancy pillows with varying designs are now available in the market and are endorsed by experts. They come in wedge shapes or a huge body pillow that will encase your body, which serves as an all-around support pillow. Maternity pillows also come in various sizes that match your preferences. Be sure to obtain these pillows from reliable dealers because they manufacture them with top caliber materials that give the right support and comfort.

2. Diet

Tweaking your diet is beneficial in promoting a good sleep. Drink a glass of warm milk or taking in carbohydrate-rich foods are common diet practices for pregnant women. A protein-rich snack controls blood sugar levels, which keep you from having bad dreams that may wake you up at night. These snacks also prevent headaches and hot flashes caused by hormonal changes. Despite tweaking your diet, remember that balanced nutrition is still needed and consulting your physician about carbohydrate and protein-rich snacks will be beneficial in terms of finding the best snacks to take during nighttime.

3. Relaxation Exercises

A dose of relaxation exercises like meditation and deep breathing can help your mind and body relax before going to bed. Counting sheep and visualizing them as they jump on fences is a good way to relax. Light yoga exercises or chants will put you into a deep and comfortable slumber.

4. Workout

Pregnancy does not mean total absence of workout. Regular and light exercises improve physical and mental health, which will put you into deep sleep. Nevertheless, avoid rigorous workouts four hours before bedtime.

5. Sleep Routine

Once you found a good routine that makes you sleep better at night, be sure to follow them consistently. Refreshing routines as nighttime approaches like drinking a cup of warm milk or decaffeinated tea will work. Read a good book or take a warm shower using spa solutions such as shower gels will relax your body in preparation for sleeping. Let your partner help your nighttime ritual by asking for a shoulder massage.

6. Comfortable Sleepwear

Your belly expands as your baby develops inside the womb. Be sure to wear comfortable sleepwear that does not feel tight on the belly area. Pajamas with adjustable waist ties are highly recommended sleepwear. Sleep shirts are also good options to stay comfortable while on bed. Hormonal changes affect your body temperature, which makes you extra sweaty. A cotton sleepwear allows better air circulation and ventilation because of its breathable fabric. Invest in this sleepwear to ensure comfort while regulating bodily temperature.

Video–How to Sleep Comfortably during Pregnancy

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