Post Pregnancy Workout

Women tend to be worried about restoring their pre-pregnancy baby after giving birth. Nevertheless, having that fit body again is simple with the right post pregnancy workout regimen.

Before engaging to a workout routine, it’s best to consult with a care provider first to get recommendations of the best activities. Women are different as well as their delivery, which means specific post pregnancy exercises may be suitable for them. Read on to learn the best and safe exercise for you and when you should stop.

Recommended Post Pregnancy Workout

Notes: Wait When Your Body Is Ready

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated that a new mother could gradually start working out if she’s feeling to do so. Nevertheless, physicians or midwives may recommend waiting for six-week postpartum consultation to check new mothers’ current state of health. Physicians may recommend light exercises for women who had been working out during pregnancy and had normal vaginal delivery after several days. Examples of light exercises are walking and stretching. Waiting for complete recovery is a common recommendation for women who had a C-section.

Here are some post pregnancy workout activities a new mother can do at home, procedures and tips, their offered benefits and precautions to take:

1.      Walking

Walking is the simplest form or post pregnancy workout. In fact, this workout does not seem like exercising at all, which makes it easier for new mothers to do. Begin with a leisure walk and then gradually increase in pace and speed if possible. Variations of this workout include bringing the baby on walks for increased benefits.

2.      Kegels

Kegels start by sitting down on a bench as if in a urinating position. Contract pelvic muscles and then stand. Hold kegel, sit down then release. You are recommended to do 1-3 sets with 10 to 20 repetitions each.

Increasing this exercise’s intensity is by standing on one feet while bending the elbows and clasping the hands positioned in front of the chest. Lift the other leg straight in front. Bend the standing leg’s knee while doing the kegel. Keep the raised leg on position throughout the exercise. Stand up and release kegel. Repeat 12 times and switch legs to do the same workout on the other leg.

3.      Kneeling Pelvic Tilt

This post pregnancy workout targets two body parts in one—the tummy and back. It will tone the tummy after stretching caused by pregnancy and strengthen the core. Strengthening this part means aid in alleviating back pain, which is also brought by pregnancy.

The starting position is standing on all fours with toes in contact of the floor. Arms should be straight with palms flat on the floor. Keep the back straight. Pull buttocks forward and tilt the pelvis while inhaling. This procedure should also rotate the pubic bone upward. Keep this position for three counts then release.

4.      Head Lifts, Shoulder Lifts, and Curl-Ups

Being a post pregnancy workout with three movements, these will target back muscle strengthening, toning the tummy, and burning calories.

Head lifts are done by lying on the back with arms on the sides. Bend knees and keep the feet flat on the floor. Inhale while keeping the belly relaxed. Lift head and neck while exhaling. Return head and neck to the original position while inhaling.

Completing 10 head lifts is the indicator that the new mother is ready for shoulder lifts. It follows the same position as head lifts, but this time shoulders will be lifted together with the head. After doing 10 shoulder lifts comfortably, it is now time to do curl-ups. Same position, but the entire torso will be lifted halfway of the knees. Reach the knees and stay in position for two to five counts then gradually release.

5.      Floor Bridge

This post pregnancy workout targets the butt and hamstrings. Starting position is lying on the back with bent knees while keeping the feet flat on the floors. Arms positioned on the sides. Prepare the core muscles and squeeze butt to lift it from the floor with heels pressing on the floor as support. You can add kegel while doing this position and retain position for three seconds. Gradually return to original position then release kegel. Repeat 10 to 20 times and do one to three sets.

  1. Quarter Curls with Rotation

This workout follows the same position as ab crunches. Lift shoulders and twist torso towards the left side while exhaling. The left elbow should point towards the right knee. Hold this position for five counts and inhale while returning towards the center, but without resting the shoulder back to the mat. Exhale and twist to the other side. Repeat this workout for five to eight sets.

The following video explains 14 more exercises recommended to mothers after giving birth:

Tips for Working Out After Giving Birth

Certain guidelines must be followed to ensure effective and healthy workout for new mothers.

  • ?Warm up and keep the right pace.First is to warm up before working out and then cooling down after exercising. Just like someone starting in any workout activity, a new mother should start slowly and then increase pace gradually.
  • Keep the right intensity.The Department of Health and Human Services advises around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity at the minimum weekly. Post pregnancy workout schedule should be spread throughout the week.
  • ?Drinking enough fluids will keep the new mother from dehydration.
  • ?A supportive bra is also necessary for more comfortable working out while nursing pads can beused in case of leaking breast milk while working out.

Know When to Stop

Several signs will indicate whether it’s time for you to stop doing your post pregnancy workout. Extreme physical activity at the early parts of postpartum may cause redder and heavier vaginal discharge called lochia. Seeing this means time to cease on your activities.

If the bleeding started again after stopping the activity or feeling serious pain while exercising, calling the midwife or physician is the next course of action. Severe exhaustion will also be a sign to take lighter activities than the current ones.

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