How Much Are Pregnancy Tests?

Whether you have been trying to become pregnant or you are worried about an unwanted pregnancy, a pregnancy test will always help you make a right decision. How much are pregnancy tests? The cost usually depends on the type of test you select. You can always choose to go to a clinic or take a home pregnancy test to know if you are really pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are quite accurate these days, but you need to follow the instructions in the package. Let’s learn more about different types of pregnancy tests, their accuracy, and their cost.

How Much Are Home Pregnancy Tests?

You usually need to spend anywhere between $10 and $15 to get home pregnancy tests done. Some new brands like Baby Brand and New Choice are now available at $1–you can find them at dollar stores and discount stores. The tests try to identify the presence of a hormone called HCG produced during pregnancy.

The difference among tests is that some of them can show a lower level of HCG. You usually need to pay more when using highly sensitive home pregnancy tests. If you select a top-of-line home test, it can pick a reading as low as 5.5 units. Some other premium brands are capable of picking up 20 units, whereas most tests can pick a reading up to 50 units. HCG levels double every 72 hours. So you don’t need to spend much and worry about “how much are pregnancy tests” if you have patience.

How Much Are Blood Pregnancy Tests?

You have to pay more for a blood pregnancy test. The test also looks for the presence of HCG but in your blood. Your healthcare provider may ask you to have this test for confirmation of your pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test also tells a lot about the health of your pregnancy. Your insurance plan may cover the cost of a blood test, but be sure to ask about the cost first if you are paying it by yourself. Typically, you need to pay $49 for a quantitative beta HCG.

Home Pregnancy Tests You Can Try

How much are pregnancy tests? Home pregnancy tests are usually more cost-effective as compared to blood pregnancy tests. Here are some of the best home pregnancy tests you can try.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown

You simply need to urinate on the wide absorbent tip and then wait a bit to get your result. There will be a progress bar on the digital screen, implying that the test is working. You will get a result after three minute–it will change to pregnant or not pregnant.

Accuracy: You can take this test about four days before your period is due, but it is no more than 51% accurate at that time. It becomes 95% accurate when taken one day before your expected period. It is 99% accurate if you take it on the day of your expected period.

Price: $15 for 3

First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test

This pee-on-a-stick test is available in a curved shape with a wider tip. You simply need to pee on it and wait for about three minutes to know if you are pregnant.

Accuracy: It is considered the most sensitive early test and helps you confirm pregnancy about five days before the date of your period. It is only 76% effective at this time due to lower levels of HCG in your system. It becomes a lot more effective when taken close to your expected period date.

Price: $13 for 3

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips

Use this test if you are tired of using fancy handheld contraptions. The strips look more like litmus paper that you need to dip into your urine. You get a reading in about five minutes–you will see one line if you are not pregnant and notice two lines if you are pregnant.

Accuracy: You can use this test to detect pregnancy the next day of your missed period. Some women have seen it work earlier as well–as early as 8-10 days post-ovulation.

Price: $12 for 25

First Response Gold Digital Pregnancy Test

It is more of a combination of the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and the FRER. It works in the same way as all the other tests, but the screen will show “no-” if you are not pregnant and “yes+” if you are pregnant.

Accuracy: You will find it 60% accurate if you take the test five days before your period is due. It becomes 99% accurate when taken a day before your expected period.

Price: $50 for 2

New Choice Pregnancy Test

Simply collect your urine in a cup and then use the dropper available in the kit to add a few drops to a specific area of the test. You will get two lines for pregnancy.

Accuracy: It is considered much more accurate than blue-dye tests which are hard to read as well.

Price: $6 for 3

Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator

The best thing about this pregnancy test is that it helps you confirm pregnancy and at the same time tells you how many weeks along you currently are. The pee stick available in the package has two strips and they both detect HCG to confirm pregnancy. The screen will say “pregnant” if you are expecting and then show you the number of weeks since ovulation.

Accuracy: It is 99% accurate when taken one day before your expected period. It is equally accurate in estimating the number of weeks after ovulation.

Price: $12 for 2

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