Bowling While Pregnant

image001For some people the sound generated by the strike of ball hitting the bowling pins is cheerful and stress releasing at the same time. However, there is a lot of concern regarding the safety of bowling during pregnancy. Doctors always encourage low impact exercises during pregnancy in order to maintain optimal health and wellbeing of pregnant mommy and the developing baby. However, before adopting any exercise regimen or starting any activity on regular basis, it is always a good idea to seek approval from your doctor or health care provider. If you are planning to continue an exercise regimen or certain peculiar activities, it is recommended to start under the supervision of an instructor.

Is Bowling While Pregnant Safe?

Bowling while pregnant is definitely safe but a person should take measurable precautions in order to minimize the risk of injury. If a female enjoys bowling before her pregnancy, she can continue this enjoyment throughout her pregnancy. According to American Medical Association, low impact workouts throughout pregnancy helps in keeping the woman active and reduces substantial weight gain and joint aches that are characteristic of an inactive pregnancy. According to a survey report, most women can bowl easily in their early pregnancy without encountering any serious injury.

You may notice that as the pregnancy progresses, bowling may become uncomfortable for you due to several reasons. Initially due to growing tummy, you will have to rely only on the strength of back architecture to support your entire body. Secondly due to shift in the center of gravity, it may become difficult to maintain the balance especially while carrying a 9 to 10 pound-bowling ball and throwing it down the alley. Thirdly, later in pregnancy the joints may begin to lose the strength and power that is required from upper and lower body to prevent any injury or risk of fall. Bowling in the company of friends can improve the mood and can decrease the risk of having postpartum depression in pregnancy.

Precautions to Take for Bowling While Pregnant

  • Lane oil is used commonly for decreasing bowling friction. A pregnant woman should be careful while carrying bowl as it may get slipped on oiled lanes and wrench the back.
  • It is vital to discuss every sporting activity with your doctor, who may help you in making an appropriate decision according to your particular health issues/ conditions.
  • It is important to perform exercise within your level of comfort and avoid pushing the body towards exhaustion and pain. If you feel strained or stressed during activity, consider it a danger sign that indicates it is time to stop the activity.
  • During pregnancy the ligaments and joints become more flexible or lax; thereby increasing the risk that the bowling motion (along with the weight of the ball) can lead to strain or injury on your ligaments or muscles supporting back architecture.
  • It is recommended to take extra caution as your pregnancy advances in lifting the bowling ball to avoid injury to fetus or your spinal tissues. For example you can keep your back straight, while bending your knees before lifting the bowling ball.

More Notes on Performing Exercises During Pregnancy

Along with bowling while pregnant, If you perform other regular physical activity, the risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes decreases during pregnancy. Center for Disease Control and Prevention advises adults to perform at least 75 minutes of dynamic-intensity aerobic exercise or 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Regulated exercising delivers more positive benefits. Likewise engaging in recreational sports like bowling in pregnancy can improve your stamina and heart rate that delivers the same benefit as that of aerobic exercises.

In short, physical activity has significant impact in the maintenance of healthy pregnancy as it helps in managing blood pressure, blood sugar levels (or gestational diabetes) and other health issues. Low intensity exercises such as bowling, swimming and walking exert minimum stress on joints and are considered as safe as opposed to high intensity exercises like running.

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