Best Breast Pump

image001Breast milk is the cheapest and healthiest baby food available. That makes a good breast pump one of the best investments that a mother can make.

Choosing the best breast pump can keep children healthy and help a family avoid spending a fortune on premade formulas. It can also help babies become stronger, healthier and happier.

5 Best Breast Pump for Moms

You should put a lot of time and effort into choosing the best breast pump because it can affect the amount of breast milk your baby has available. The wrong breast pump can ruin your feeding efforts, while the right one can make them easier. Fortunately, it is real easy to shop for a pump these days. Here are some great selections from eBay.

Breast Pumps


Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump



The big advantage to this model is that it can be customized to fit different breasts. The efficient pumping and easy setup makes this unit ideal for moms on the go. A unique feature is the Proven Airlock Protection design, which protects the milk from contamination. This works with multiple power sources.

Medela Pump In Style Advanced



This product is actually a complete system that provides a mother with everything she needs to pump milk at work. It comes with a handy carrying case, bottles, power adapters, membrane, valves, bottles, and a cooler bag. The big advantage to this pump is that it comes with everything. Three different styles of carrying cases are available.

Lansinoh Affinity Pro Double Electric Breast Pump


This is a double-simultaneous unit that allows for short and efficient pumping sessions. The big advantage here is that moms can adjust the speed. It comes with a battery pack, a power cord, and a compact carrying tote. Bottles and other accessories are not available.

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Double Electric Breast Pump



This unit is built for comfort with two stretchable silicone cups that adapt to most sizes of breasts. It also features an anti-backflow valve, which prevents milk from backing up into the motor and causing damage. It is a complete system that is designed for portability.

Dr. Brown’s Double Electric Breast Pump



Many mothers like Dr. Brown’s because of the uniquely shaped bottles designed to feel like a mother’s breast. These make breast feeding easy. One great feature of Dr. Brown’s is that it is BPA free. All the parts except the motor are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

What Should I Consider When Choosing the Best Breast Pump?

Naturally, many mothers are wondering how do I determine what the best breast pump on the market is. Here are a few criteria that can help you determine which pump to buy.

1. Pumping Type

Currently, the three most common types of breast pumps on the market are single, double-alternating and double-simultaneous.

  • A single pump lets the mother take milk from one breast at a time. It is best for a mom that is occasionally separated from her baby such as a part-time worker.
  • A double-alternating pump lets a mother to take milk from both breasts at different times. It extracts more milk but not efficiently.
  • A double-simultaneous pump stimulates both breasts and extracts the most milk. It is best for a mother that works fulltime.

2. Effectiveness

Obviously, a mother will want a pump that draws the amount of milk she needs. To draw large amounts of milk, a pump will need a suction rate of 44 to 55. That means it makes 44 to 55 draws of milk a minute, which mimics a hungry baby. Lower rate pumps will be less effective. Higher rate pumps may cause pain or even damage the breast. Breast feeding mothers report that auto-cycling pumps are usually more effective than ones that need manual adjustment.

3. Durability

You will obviously want a pump that can stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use. Some of the cheaper pumps have smaller motors that can quickly wear out or burn up with a lot of use. Generally, it is best to spend a little extra money on a higher quality pump. It will be cheaper than buying several different pumps. Most women either underestimate or overestimate the amount of breast milk they extract.

4. Comfort Level

Comfort is very important, because you will probably be using the pump every day. Try to find a pump with a breast shield that fits your breasts. Some pumps have a one size fits all shield that won’t fit many women. Also make sure you are comfortable with the pumping rate.

5. Noise Level

Like any other pump, a breast pump can be noisy. This probably won’t be a problem at home, but it could create troubles if you use the pump at the office. The sound of the pump motor might also disturb the baby. Strangely enough, higher quality pumps with bigger motors are usually quieter.

6. Power Source

If you plan to use the pump away from home, you may need to use it in the car or in locations without electricity. That means you should get a pump with an adaptor that plugs into a vehicle’s cigarette lighter and possibly a battery. Some pumps come with these accessories while you may have to buy them for others.

7. Portability

A pump that is easy to carry is a must for a woman on the go. You may need one that can fit into your purse or a drawer of your desk. Size and power source can determine portability. Some mothers end up buying a second pump to use when they’re away from home.

Watch this video to learn some helpful tips on how to choose the best breast pump for you:

Safety and Cleaning Tips for Using Beast Pumps

  • Watch out for the Material. Make sure the bottles and parts are not made from a plastic that contains BPA, or bisphenol A, a potentially toxic chemical. BPA is used to coat the inside of bottles and some pumps. Most of the bottles on the market are made from non-polycarbonate plastic, which is BPA-free. Read the label to make sure the bottle is made of non-polycarbonate plastic, which is just as strong and durable as regular material.
  • Make Pumping Comfortable. Make sure the breast shield fits your breasts. The size can determine comfort and safety.
  • Seal the Side You Don’t Use. If you are pumping one breast with a double breast pump, seal the side you are not using. This will stop loss of suction strength.
  • Clean Your Pump Everyday. Clean your pump after every use, even if you are not planning to use it again that day. Germs, mold and other destructive pathogens can grow quickly in a dirty pump. The best way to do this is use a bottle brush.
  • Don’t Forget Sterilize Your Pump. Read the instructions to see how this should be done; most pump parts can be safely washed in a dishwasher. Simply set it on sterilizing cycle. If the dishwasher is not available, microwaves or boiling water on the stove can be used per the instructions.
  • Use Your Own Breast Pump Only. Most pediatricians recommend against buying used breast pumps or borrowing another mother’s pump. There are several nasty viruses, including Hepatitis and HIV which causes AIDS, that can spread that way.

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