29 Weeks Pregnant

image001 You begin your third trimester and things start to get real. You feel that you get a peek into your baby’s personality with his/her every movement. Now is also a good time to finalize things such as stockpiling baby care essentials for the nursery and choosing a day care center. You should visit your doctor regularly and continue your exercise and diet routines.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 29 Weeks?

When you enter your third trimester, your baby’s growth process surges and you begin to develop an appetite. While occasional indulgence in fast food is perfectly okay, do not make a habit out of it. You need to stick to your healthy diet. It is important for your health and your baby’s wellbeing that you eat healthy foods.

At this stage, the baby will take iron stores from your body, so you need to increase your iron intake. Eat foods such as leafy green vegetables and lean meat which are rich in iron content.

You may find it difficult to sleep at night because you cannot get comfortable and leg cramps may also cause trouble. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow or a cushion under your belly and between your legs to make you feel a little more comfortable.

If you feel stressful, stretching exercises such as yoga will help in reducing stress levels and it will also help during childbirth as it opens up your body. Varicose veins may start appearing on your legs. This is a normal pregnancy symptom, and you can try elevating your feet to reduce this. Take warm baths to relax your muscles and fight off the pains and aches in your body.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You’re 29 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby is now a little over fifteen inches long and weighs nearly two and a half pounds. The baby’s muscles and lungs are continuing to develop and his/her head is growing bigger to accommodate the developing brain. Hair is also growing well on your baby’s head at this point.

In the third trimester, your baby’s nutritional needs increase substantially. Eat foods packed with protein, vitamins, folic acid and calcium. The baby’s skull is hardening which requires about 250 milligrams of calcium being deposited daily, so make sure to increase your calcium intake by eating a lot of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows when you are 29 weeks pregnant:

How Does Your Life Change When You’re 29 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby becomes more and more active as you progress in your pregnancy. You would feel a lot more kicking and movement now. Your healthcare provider may ask you to keep a count of the number of kicks you feel each hour to make sure your baby is active and doing well. If you feel your baby’s activity is reducing, inform your healthcare provider.

Heartburn and constipation may make a comeback. Pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes your muscle tissue. This combined with your crowded abdomen leads to slow digestion process which in turn can cause gas and heartburn. To avoid constipation, eat foods rich in fiber, keep yourself hydrated and exercise regularly.

You may also experience pain caused by venous swelling in you rectal area. This is known as hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoid can cause irritation. You can try soaking yourself in a hip bath to counter the itchiness and the pain. If you experience rectal bleeding, let your doctor know and always consult your doctor before using any over the counter medications.

Sometimes lying flat on your back may cause a sudden fluctuation in your heart rate and blood pressure, which will make you feel light-headed. This is called the supine hyposensitive syndrome. Try lying on your side and move slowly when you get up from lying, sitting and standing positions to avoid the dizziness.

What About Diet at 29 Weeks Pregnancy?

A healthy diet during pregnancy will keep you fit and active as well as help your baby’s growth and development. To get all the essential nutrients required for a balanced diet you need to eat a various selection of foods.

1. Foods and Nutrients

Foods and Nutrients


Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are good sources for vitamins, proteins and fibre. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help your digestive system and save you from constipation. Eat a minimum of five portions of fruits and vegetables daily to ensure that you are getting the required nutrients.


Carbohydrates are found mostly in starchy food. These foods include pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, cereals and the likes. Starchy foods should make up the main course of your every meal.


Guarantee that your protein intake includes meat, fish, eggs, bean, pulses and poultry in your diet. Make sure the meat is well cooked and there is no pink in your meat. Eat oily fish such as mackerels and sardines; however, try to avoid certain fish which contain high levels of mercury because it can be harmful for your baby.


Dairy products are a major source of calcium. During pregnancy, proper calcium intake is very important for your bones and your baby’s development. Drink a lot of milk and eat cheese and yogurt. Consume two to three portions of dairy product every day.


During pregnancy, try to wean off unhealthy snack such as crisps, chocolates and biscuits. Instead, substitute them with healthier snacks such as baby carrots, yogurt, fruit, salads, milky drinks and the likes.

2. Food Safety

You need to be extra careful while preparing food during pregnancy. Try to opt for farm fresh and organic foods. If not possible, then wash fruits, salads and vegetables thoroughly to remove all traces of soil and pesticides. Wash your hands and utensils regularly after preparing raw meat to avoid toxoplasmosis.

Use separate bards for chopping raw meat, fruit, and vegetables. Store raw food separately from ready to eat meals to avoid risking contamination. Keep the food in a proper storage unit to minimize any risks.

Important Notes: Keep Your Iron at a Healthy Level

As the baby develops and starts making more blood, you may notice a drop in your iron levels. To keep your iron level healthy, get at least 30 milligrams of iron daily from prenatal vitamins and supplements. Check with your healthcare provider to test you for iron deficiency or anemia. Try sleeping on your sides instead of lying flat on your back to improve blood circulation in your body.

What Items Can You Purchase for Your Baby While 29 Weeks Pregnant?

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you will need to stock up on few baby essentials prior to the birth of your child, so you are prepared when the baby arrives. Pack a bag of all the necessities you will need at the hospital and leave it by the door so that you can grab it on the go. Make a list of all the important things before you go shopping to make sure you do not miss out anything. Here are some of the few things you will need after childbirth:

  • Diapers and baby wipes
  • Nail clippers, pacifier, thermometer and other baby care items
  • Sanitary pads (you will bleed after delivery for a few weeks)
  • Paper towels and paper plates

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