28 Weeks Pregnant

image001 At the 28th week of pregnancy, the second trimester is coming to an end, which is a big checkpoint for expectant mothers. From this point on, doctor’s appointments will begin to track fetal movement charts to see how your baby is growing. If your baby is breeched you will still be able to correct this but if they do not move then you will need to have a C section to deliver your baby safely. You will also need to undergo blood tests at this time to check for the Rh antibody. If this is present you will be given anti-D injections at the 28th week and again at week 36. Understanding these checkpoints and pregnancy symptoms as well as fetal development you should be looking for at the 28th week can help you continue to prepare for a successful delivery to a healthy baby. This article will provide the essential information you need.

28 Weeks Pregnant—How Does Your Baby Grow?

By week 28 your baby will weigh around 2.25 pounds and will be around 14.8 inches long from head to heel. Your baby has eyelashes and is developing eyesight that will allow them to see light in the womb. They will also start to blink. Your baby’s neurons are developing throughout the brain and they are starting to build up body fat that will prepare them for life after birth.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows at 28 weeks:

28 Weeks Pregnant—What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms?

When you reach week 28 you will be in the middle of your second trimester of pregnancy. Most women note that they are feeling much better with the breast tenderness, nausea and fatigue that are common in the earlier stages of pregnancy relaxing. You may start to notice more physical symptoms of your pregnancy develop.



Larger breasts and belly

Your breasts will start to prepare for feedings after birth so they may become larger. Your baby will also start to grow very quickly which will cause your belly to expand rapidly as well.

Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are common throughout the second and third trimesters. As your body starts to prepare for labor you may experience false contractions that come and go. If these contractions become consistent or appear to get stronger you should call your doctor as these could be preterm labor.

Heartburn and hemorrhoids

You may notice that hemorrhoids or heartburn become more common in your pregnancy since your uterus is putting more pressure on your other organs. Medications like tums can be used to relieve heartburn and Preparation H is recommended to relieve hemorrhoids as they occur.

Skin changes

Stretch marks may start to appear as your belly expands to manage your growing baby. Some women notice a brown line that stretches from their pubic bone to the navel known as a linea nigra. This is caused by pregnancy hormones.

How Often Should You Feel Your Baby’s Movements When 28 weeks Pregnant?

Babies will start to form activity patterns where they are active and quiet. At the 28 week point babies are starting to become more active in the evening and quiet down in the morning as a response to their mother’s sugar levels. The level of activity will differ for each baby but you should start to note the common patterns for your pregnancy.

At this point in your pregnancy your health care provider will encourage you to monitor your baby’s activity. At times when your baby tends to be active you should count the amount of movements or “kicks” you feel in an hour. You can also count how long it takes to feel 10 movements from your child. Your child should average 4-6 kicks an hour.

If you notice that your child is moving less than 8-10 times every two hours you should contact your doctor. You should also meet with your doctor if your baby suddenly starts moving much less than usual. This could be a sign that your baby is experiencing some sort of distress. Your doctor can perform an examination or ultrasound to see what the problem might be.

How Does Your Life Change?

You are starting to count down to the third trimester at this point which means you will be gaining more weight and seeing your doctor more frequently. You will likely need to visit your doctor every two weeks and at 36 weeks you might need daily visits. Different tests may be needed based on your risk factors and to be sure that your pregnancy is progressing properly toward delivery. If you have had high glucose screenings now is the time for a follow-up. If your early tests showed you to be Rh negative, you may also need Rh immonuglobin injections to keep your immune system from harming your child’s blood.

Women may find that their legs develop a creeping sensation that makes it difficult to keep still and rest, a condition known as restless leg syndrome. This can be temporarily improved by massaging your legs. This is quite common in pregnant women though doctors are not quite sure of the cause. Avoid caffeine and consider taking iron supplements if your symptoms are proving difficult.

What About Diet at 28 Weeks Pregnancy?

1. How Much Fluid Do You Need This Week?

At this point in your pregnancy you should be drinking 1.5 liters of fluid a day, most of which should come from water. This will help keep you hydrated and ensure that it is easy for nutrients to move to your child. Staying hydrated can also reduce your risk of piles, constipation and urinary tract infections while cutting down on water retention.

2. How Can You Acquire Enough Calcium and Vitamin D at 28 Weeks?

You need calcium and vitamin D to ensure that your baby grows healthy teeth, bones and muscles. You can get these nutrients from green vegetables like green beans and spinach, pulses like kidney beans and soya, dairy products, almonds and sesame seed. Vitamin D is found in milk, fish and eggs as well. If your counts of these vitamins are low, your doctor will prescribe you a supplement.

3. How Can You Get the Maximum Nutrition from Food at 28 Weeks?

Work to keep your diet varied to get plenty of nutrients. Avoid caffeine that can deplete your iron count by depleting the iron in your system. Getting plenty of whole grains is recommended for most people, but this might reduce your ability to absorb zinc, iron or calcium. Try steaming your food and avoid overcooking that could deplete the nutrients in your fruits and vegetables. Also try to eat foods that are fresh because they have more nutrients.

What to Do to Prepare for 28 Weeks Pregnancy

You can start getting names of family practitioners and pediatricians at this point. Look for those having a schedule that works with yours and will accept your insurance. A convenient location can also be helpful. If possible, meet the doctor in person before you sign up to make sure that you feel comfortable with them. If you start thinking about this now, it will cut down on the stress of finding a doctor for your baby’s first check-up.

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