26 Weeks Pregnant

image001When you are 26 weeks pregnant, your body is undergoing major hormonal and physical changes. After all, a baby is growing within you. At this time, the second trimester is coming to a close and you may have mixed feelings with one good day and the next one being terrible. This is all normal. During this period, you need to schedule screening tests for gestational diabetes, anemia and a RhoGAM injection as well.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 26 Weeks?

At 26 weeks pregnancy, you are just about to enter the third trimester and you can expect to have slight changes with elevated blood pressure which is quite normal. Your doctor or midwife should be on the lookout for pre-eclampis which is a condition that is associated with high blood pressure. Protein in the urine is also a sign of the condition and is examined as part of your routine antenatal check. If your results come out clean of pre-eclamopsia, other symptoms you might look out for are swelling feet and glands, blurred vision and severe headaches. Tests for vaginal infections also may be conducted and the doctor will mostly be looking out for thrush and the results may test for group B streptococcus. The latter infection is commonly present in many women. A lot of women are unaware of it mainly because it causes no harm in most instances.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You’re 26 Weeks Pregnant?

At 26 weeks, your baby’s hearing is developing and other senses as well. The baby is able to hear your voice and that of your partner or other people as you chat. He is also able to breathe and is inhaling the amniotic fluid which helps in developing the lungs. The breathing movements are great and help the child when he gulps his first breath of air after birth. The baby is also adding weight and should weigh about 1 2/3 pounds. He also should measure 14 inches from head to toe. If you are having a boy, his manhood is already developing and his testicles will soon start to descend into the scrotum. This process takes between 2 and 3 months.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows at 26 weeks pregnancy:

How Does Your Life Change When You’re 26 Weeks Pregnant?

The life of the mom-to-be also changes and this is a time when most women are preparing for the baby’s arrival. Most parents are already preparing the room, buying a crib and organizing the nursery.

Blood pressure tends to fall in the end of the first trimester which is around the 22nd to 24th week. While it’s still relatively lower than it was before the pregnancy, it is on the increase at the 26th week. The lower back also begins to ache around this time as a result of the growing uterus which stretches out and puts pressure on certain nerves. The extra weight also leads to more stress on your joints along with your everyday tasks. Hormonal changes also may be responsible for the pain as they help loosen the ligaments and joints. A warm bath should help relax your body and you can choose to have a hot or cool compress. Avoid strenuous activities throughout the day and maintain good posture at work. Rest when you need to and make your sleep time as comfortable as possible by using pillows to support your abdomen and knees.

How Can You Keep a Healthy Diet When You’re 26 Weeks Pregnant?



Smart shopping

Shop smart by purchasing healthy foods such as low fat milk and cheese, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, poultry, lean meats as well as legumes. Non-perishable items can be bought on bulk and this saves you money and frequent trips to and from the store. When it comes to snacks, think small and buy in packs of 6 or 12.

A speedy kitchen

A speedy kitchen helps youprepare your meals faster. For example, your microwave can be used to defrost frozen foods, reheat leftovers or even cook dinner. Slow cookers can also help you speed up your kitchen. You can throw in your vegetables, beans, broth and meat, leave them to cook slowly through the day and come home to a hot meal.

Make a plan

Plan ahead and make use of the freezer. You can cook your meals and freeze them, making it easier for you to have a home cooked meal any time you want one or after a busy day. Freeze your soups, leftovers and other foods in containers. Cooking more than you need helps you have a ready meal when you are unable to cook.

Have friendly local takeout

If you cannot cook, have takeout. Stop by a local takeout for a healthy treat and combine it with whatever is in your pantry or fridge. Yogurt, bananas, dry cereal and some asparagus are all good accompaniments to your meal.

Important Notes:

“Good” Choices of Fish

A lot of expectant mothers enjoy fish but not all fish choices are smart. Below are some of the fish you can eat while pregnant:

  • Catfish
  • Bass
  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Freshwater perch
  • Flounder

Several Tips on 26 Weeks Pregnancy



Deal with severe pains

At 26 weeks, you are probably experiencing more back, chest, pelvic, leg and foot pains. Try getting more rest and seek medical attention.

Ease the uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms

Exercise and staying hydrated can help relieve the symptoms associated with pregnancy such as fatigue, swelling, dizziness, dehydration and constipation.

Buy a home fetal doppler

A fetoscope or fetal doppler is a good buy, as it helps you hear the baby’s heartbeat and movements.

Discuss some personal issues

Start planning for things such as circumcision early. If you would like to have a religious ceremony when the baby is born, plan for the ceremony early as well. There are decisions that both you and your partner should agree on early and we encourage open communication.

Tips for your partner

Women begin to feel more self-conscious as they approach the end of the second trimester. It’s your job as the partner to make her feel better by reassuring her that she is beautiful. Plan for a special couple’s date.

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