19 Weeks Pregnant

image001Being 19 weeks pregnant is an important milestone not just for the mom-to-be but the baby as well. This is the middle of the pregnancy term and there are various changes occurring within the bodies of both. The mom-to-be is a bit more relaxed and in-tune with the changes occurring within her body.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 19 Weeks?

When you’re 19 weeks pregnant, the womb may have already reached the belly button and the expectant mother can expect expansion of the uterus to progress at a rate of a centimeter per week. Lower belly aches may occur and this is nothing to worry about. This is expected considering the muscles and ligaments that are supporting the bump are stretching. The body naturally produces relaxin during this time and this is a hormone that helps soften the ligaments. This hormone helps make the birth process a smooth one.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You’re 19 Weeks Pregnant?

At 19 weeks, the baby measures about 6 inches and weighs close to 8 1/2 ounces. The arms and legs are developing within the right proportions. The hair begins to sprout about this time and the kidneys are already working to produce urine. Sensory development is at its peak and the baby’s senses of smell, touch, vision, hearing and taste are being developed by the brain. In fact, scientists tell us that the baby is actually able to hear and you can feel free to talk to her or even sing. The vernix caseosa which is the waxy protective film that protects the child is already forming and this film helps protect the skin from the amniotic fluid which may cause pickling.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows at 19 weeks pregnancy:

How Does Your Life Change When You’re 19 Weeks Pregnant?

If you think you are big at 19 weeks, think again. You will become much bigger and at a faster rate. Expect some pains within the lower abdomen and most women experience a sharp pain on both sides of the belly. This normally occurs when you shift positions or at the end of a long, tiring day. Ligament pain is common at this time of the pregnancy and this is because the ligaments are stretching to provide better support for your uterus. The pain is normally controllable but if it persists when resting or becomes unbearable, we recommend that you seek medical attention.

Changes also occur on the skin and the palms are likely to redden and this is due to the extra estrogen. Dark patches on the skin are likely to occur around the cheeks and forehead. This is due to the increased pigment and is normally referred to as the mask of pregnancy or medically speaking, chloasma. You might also notice the linea nigra which is the dark line that flows from the belly button to the pubic bone. Freckles, scars and darkening around the under arms, vulva and inner thighs are not uncommon. The good news is that the darkening will come to pass but it is important to use sunscreen to prevent further pigment changes from occurring. In addition to sunscreen, you can cover up using a hat. Some makeup could also help conceal the pigment changes.

What about Diet at 19 Weeks Pregnancy?




Calcium is one of the most important nutrients during pregnancy because it is necessary in developing strong bones and teeth as well as the baby skeleton. It also helps in muscle contraction. Furnish your body with calcium from foods such as spinach, cheese, dried apricots, almonds, chickpeas, canned fish, baked beans and yogurt. Dairy is a good source of calcium, but you might want to settle for low-fat dairy products and non-dairy sources of calcium to minimize your intake of fat.


There are healthy snacks that you can eat and these include: almonds, cottage cheese and dried apricots. Keep the fat intake as low as you possibly can. Fruit desserts are great and if you feel hungry before bed time, some herbal tea or milk should help. Stay hydrated throughout the day.

Vitamin D, Omega-3

The baby’s nutritional needs also need to be considered and met. Expectant mothers should ensure that they have enough Vitamin D supply, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and green vegetables are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, while milk and eggs are valuable sources of vitamin D. Some sunlight can also help you as it is a source of the essential vitamin D.

What Can You Do When You’re 19 Weeks Pregnant?

1. Keep Yourself Calm

As mentioned earlier on, the baby’s senses are developing and they are able to hear. It is important to stay in calm most preferably in an environment with minimum noise. Avoid noisy places, as this may aggravate the unborn child.

2. Start Your Search for Childcare

It’s never too early to begin looking for childcare because the best childcare centers have waiting lists. This way, you don’t have to start looking for daycare options with the young one in tow. Start reviewing the childcare options at your disposal from nanny care to daycare centers, home daycare or even having a relative care for the newborn. You can start listing down a few names of people you may want to help you even when you are not certain what their roles will be.

3. Talk to Your Baby

This is a good time to start bonding with your baby and it is encouraged that the mom, dad and other family members all begin talking to the baby to familiarize her with their voices. The baby can already hear, so this exercise will not be in vain.

4. Play Music to Your Baby

Music is food for the soul and unborn children also enjoy the calming effect brought about by the soothing sounds. Playing music can help keep the unborn child happy and calm. Most parents opt to play soothing sounds such as classical music or jazz.

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