16 Weeks Pregnant

image001You have entered your second trimester and you may find that many of your uncomfortable symptoms of first trimester are waning and you are feeling better and more energetic. It may be the easiest trimester of all for you. During this trimester, you may have to undergo many types of tests to make sure that your baby is not suffering from any of the chromosomal abnormalities. This piece will tell you what else to expect when you are 16 weeks pregnant.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 16 Weeks?

If you have started your pregnancy with normal weight for your height, then you may have gained about 2 kg to 4.5 kg or 5 lbs to 10 lbs of weight till this time, which is perfectly normal and healthy. You require extra energy not only due to your weight gain but also due to the extra amount of blood volume along with the weight of your baby and the amniotic fluid that surrounds her/him.

You may feel twinges on pain in the back and pelvic ligaments, which are temporary. However, you should take care to not strain your pelvis and back in the months to come.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You’re 16 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby will go for a growth spurt during the coming weeks. She/He will double her/his weight and also increase her/his height by a few inches. During the 16th week, your baby is about 4-1/2 inches in length from head to rump and weighs 3-1/2 ounces, about the size of an avocado. The legs are more developed, the head has become more erect and the eyes have moved closer in the front. Her/His ears have also moved closer towards their final position. Her/His scalp has started flattening, though, there is no visible hair. Even her/his toenails have started to grow. The changes are also taking place inside the body of your baby, too. For instance, her heart is now pumping around 25 quarts of blood, which will increase each day as your baby is growing.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows when you are 16 weeks pregnant:

How Does Your Life Change When You’re 16 Weeks Pregnant?

The upper portion of your uterus lies about in the middle of your navel and your pubic bone. The round ligaments supporting your uterus thicken and stretch with the growth of the uterus. Your initial symptom of nausea is now waning and you feel a lot better. In fact, you may develop an overall feeling of well-being due to the glowing skin and fewer mood swings.

Very soon you will experience the movements of your baby–the most wonderful moments of your pregnancy. While quickening is noticed by some women as early as during the 16th week, some may not feel the movement of their baby until around 18th week or later than that. First time moms may not be able to feel the movement until 20 weeks. You will feel the early movements as gas bubbles, little flutters or like popping of popcorn. These movements will grow stronger over the following weeks and will occur more frequently.

What about Diet at 16 Weeks Pregnancy?

1. Get Enough Vitamins

Getting enough vitamins is very essential during pregnancy. Include at least five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet daily. Use vegetables in a raw form or steam them to get most of the vitamins present in the vegetables. If you think that your diet is not providing sufficient vitamins, then consult your doctor about adding a pregnancy multivitamin to the other supplements you are taking. However, just remember the fact that no supplement can substitute the vitamins you get from fresh products.

2. The Importance of Iron

Sufficient amount of iron is required every day during pregnancy as it helps to make the red blood cells of your unborn baby. Taking insufficient iron may make you anemic. Include foods that are rich in iron in your diet such as lean red meat, fish and poultry. The iron that you obtain from non-vegetarian sources is absorbed most efficiently by your body. The vegetarian sources of iron include pulses, lentils, breakfast cereals fortified with iron and spinach. However, to facilitate the absorption of iron present in vegetarian sources, just add a source of vitamin C such as a glass of lemon water or an orange at the same time you eat them. You can also improve the iron content of your food by cooking in utensils made of iron. Both coffee and black tea can interfere with the absorption of iron; hence, make sure to not have them immediately after having meals.

3. Snacks and Drinks

Try these drinks that are rich in minerals and vitamins to stay during pregnancy: Fresh smoothie made of mango or chikoo, lassi, and freshly-made juice of pomegranate. Try these tasty and healthy snacks during pregnancy: Porridge prepared from different cereals such as millet, oats or cracked wheat, dhokla, pancake made from rice or wheat noodles prepared with vegetables.

What Can You Do When You’re 16 Weeks Pregnant?

1. Talk to Your Doctor about Any Questions

When you visit your doctor, it is important to discuss with them your questions, feelings, fears or pains and symptoms of pregnancy that you are experiencing. You may develop sharp pain in the sides of your uterus due to the stretching of round ligaments. Discussing with your doctor about these pains can reduce your fears and assure that the pain is actually due to stretching of round ligaments and nothing else including pelvic, abdominal or ovarian etiology, which can be a serious issue.

2. Purchase Some Maternity Clothes

Purchase some new comfortable bras and maternity clothes as by now your breast size may increase along with the size of your tummy. This may also help relieve the soreness and pain in breasts.

3. Tips for Your Partner

You will feel the movements of your baby within the next few weeks. This can increase the bond between the mother and the baby; however, the partner may feel as if he is left out. Your partner will also be able to feel the movements of the baby eventually. He can bond with the baby by talking to her/him on a regular basis. If unsure as to what to talk to her/him, read or sing to your baby.

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